Aristotle once said that, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”.
Hence it has been our constant attempt to motivate and empower the student to be a life-long learner,
a positive thinker, a responsible and productive member of an ever changing society. We are striving tirelessly to make the best possible efforts to inculcate moral values along with academics and extra-curricular
activities in the children.As a result it grows their all round excellence.Nonetheless, with the support of our competent teachers, an efficient administration supportive non-teaching staffs, adequate infrastructure and obviously the heartiest co-operation of our parents and guardians, we feel confident to take this prestigious institution of ours, to the acme of glory and success, “Fame in the mirror of futurity”

Mr.Sandipan Banerjee (Principal)
Posted on by nacademy
The school is great . There is no other school is as great as this school . I am great to be a student of this school .
Being ex student of this institution is such a honour.
Miss all the teachers and the non teaching staffs .
Spent 15 precious years of my life here
So,undoubtedly it’s the best instition that I would suggest to all who admires education.